玛丽亚 亚瑞唐多-Burning ,很是 棒的曲子。。。*** 力,恋爱 , 让人无法谢绝 -OGG[Q6] ...

jkx 发表于 2016-7-29 01:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
     Maria Arredondo玛丽亚 亚瑞唐多
Maria的嗓子有些象风行天后Mariah Carey,可是比后者要稍微男性一点点。我以为Maria的声线很是好,性感但不造作,有力但不夸耀,敞亮但不外分照人。她的低音很沉,很女人可是又很自立,高音千回百转,闻之泪下。

    咋一看之下,Maria的长相有几分像Dion,而又有人说她的声线有几分Mariah Carey,不外依我看来,她的高音没有Dion的高亮有力,中低音也不及Carey的磁性实足,可是她的声音中却有着这两人没有的甜蜜和魅惑。 ? 实在Maria的音色很是的多样化。你假如离开听她的低音,中音和高音,你或许会以为这是三小我唱的。她的这种特色在Burning中施展得极尽描摹。第一段的低音,有力消沉,又带着淡淡的磁性。中段转到中音,温顺甜蜜。不外这首歌最杰出的处所在于***部门,轻描淡写的唱来,倒是缥缈娇媚,百转千回。她的歌中没有那种可以让人热血沸腾的气概和霸气,可是却完善的融会了小女孩般的甜蜜和成熟女人般的妩媚,那种***力能不知不觉的渗入到你血液之中,让你沉沦此中,不能自休。引用一句别人的考语,她的“声线很是好,性感但不造作,有力但不夸耀,敞亮但不外分照人”。我以为是很好的总结!

                                        下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1519680493&uk=1258396445

burning - maria arredondo

passion is sweet
love makes weak
you said you cherished freedom so
you refuse to let it go

follow your fate
love and hate
never fail to seize the day
but dont give yourself away .

oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of

my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against

trapped in a crowd
the music is loud
i said i love my freedom to
now i'm not sure i do

all eyes on you
rings so true
better quit while you're ahead
now i'm not so sure i am

oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of

my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against

my soul my heart
if you're near if you're far
my life my love
you can have it all....ooohaaaah.

oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of

my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against
ooh, if your the rock i'll crush against

[ 本帖最后由 加菲猴 于 2008-10-11 14:46 编纂 ]啊?我方才往下载其他的,犯错,晕了

     Maria Arredondo玛丽亚 亚瑞唐多
Maria的嗓子有些象风行天后Mariah Carey,可是比后者要稍微男性一点点。我以为Maria的声线很是好,性感但不造作,有力但不夸耀,敞亮但不外分照人。她的低音很沉,很女人可是又很自立,高音千回百转,闻之泪下。

    咋一看之下,Maria的长相有几分像Dion,而又有人说她的声线有几分Mariah Carey,不外依我看来,她的高音没有Dion的高亮有力,中低音也不及Carey的磁性实足,可是她的声音中却有着这两人没有的甜蜜和魅惑。 ? 实在Maria的音色很是的多样化。你假如离开听她的低音,中音和高音,你或许会以为这是三小我唱的。她的这种特色在Burning中施展得极尽描摹。第一段的低音,有力消沉,又带着淡淡的磁性。中段转到中音,温顺甜蜜。不外这首歌最杰出的处所在于***部门,轻描淡写的唱来,倒是缥缈娇媚,百转千回。她的歌中没有那种可以让人热血沸腾的气概和霸气,可是却完善的融会了小女孩般的甜蜜和成熟女人般的妩媚,那种***力能不知不觉的渗入到你血液之中,让你沉沦此中,不能自休。引用一句别人的考语,她的“声线很是好,性感但不造作,有力但不夸耀,敞亮但不外分照人”。我以为是很好的总结!

                                        下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1519680493&uk=1258396445

burning - maria arredondo

passion is sweet
love makes weak
you said you cherished freedom so
you refuse to let it go

follow your fate
love and hate
never fail to seize the day
but dont give yourself away .

oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of

my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against

trapped in a crowd
the music is loud
i said i love my freedom to
now i'm not sure i do

all eyes on you
rings so true
better quit while you're ahead
now i'm not so sure i am

oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of

my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against

my soul my heart
if you're near if you're far
my life my love
you can have it all....ooohaaaah.

oh when the night falls
and your all alone
in your deepest sleep what
are you dreaming of

my skin's still burning from your touch
oh i just can't get enough i
said i wouldn't ask for much
but your eyes are dangerous
oh the thought keep spinning in my head
can we drop this masquerade
i can't predict where it ends
if your the rock i'll crush against
ooh, if your the rock i'll crush against

[ 本帖最后由 加菲猴 于 2008-10-11 14:46 编纂 ]感谢楼主啦;P ,下来听听楼主辛劳了,感激分享... ...很想听~~让我下载吧~~感谢了看上往好象还不错的样子,那就感谢楼主了。下次再来支撑啊顶你了伴侣,,,,听听看;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P超好奇,听听看,呵呵搞这么麻烦呀 看看这是什么,盼望是好工具










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